Brave and the Bold - Issue 29
Featuring the twin menaces of Xotar the Weapons Master and casual 1960s sexism
The Justice League (aka the Justice League of America, aka the JLA, aka Justice League International, aka Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021)) is a collection of the DC Universe's greatest heroes (and also Green Arrow).
I talked about why I love the JLA in this piece here. Now I’m breaking down each and every issue of the comic book, from their very first appearance, with Atom-sized summaries. Enjoy!
In the year 11,960, an idiot alien named Xotar reads a surviving fragment of Wonder Woman's JLA journal and discovers he's destined to defeat the Justice League. So that sounds promising. He dubs himself ‘The Weapons Master’ and uses a combination of time travel, geographic riddles and futuristic weapons to make a nuisance of himself, right up until the point where he's defeated, because the journal fragment was incomplete. If only Diana had taken her role as JLA sole-woman-hence-secretary seriously enough to digitise her notes at some point in the intervening ten thousand years.
Fun With Comics!
It’s Wonder Woman, for somehow not bonking all these sexist dudes’ heads together like coconuts.

Top Panel
Here’s J’onn, taking time out of the adventure to breathe a mirror into existence for some reason. You do you, my odd Martian friend.
Cryptic Crossword Clue
Xotar against extraordinary team w/ no spears (7,6)