A couple of months back, around the 20th anniversary of the television show Lost first airing in the US, there was a lot written about the show and its impact on television. And, as a Lost fan myself, I read most of those pieces. But I grew increasingly annoyed at one particular assumption that everybody seemed to take for granted. (No, not that they were dead the whole time. Get outta here with your lies, you filthy casual!)
That assumption that annoyed me? That the episode The Constant (season 4, episode 5) was indisputably the best episode of Lost. Heck, it even made lists of best television episodes ever.
So, I tweeted this. (This was back when I was on Twitter - I’m now almost entirely on BlueSky - come find me!)
See that person who replied? That’s Chris. (You can tell by the name above his handle.) Chris and I don’t really know one another. We follow one another because we both like Survivor, particularly Australian Survivor, and live-tweet whenever that’s on.
Nevertheless, one thing led to another. And so today - on the 20th in-universe anniversary of The Constant (which mostly took place on December 24, 2004) - we’ve dropped a teaser of our podcast, Lost Within Lost, which will drop (a la Flight 815 itself) on February 3rd, 2025, and weekly thereafter. (The first ever podcast on the television show Lost? I think it might be.)
If you like Lost (and (WARNING!) have seen it all - this is very spoilery), feel more than completely free to subscribe and join us. We’re counting down the ten best episodes of Lost, both official(ish) IMDB lists and our own personal lists. What do I, an apparently insane Lost viewer, think is better than The Constant? Here’s where you find out.
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