Justice League of America - Issue 3
Featuring the twin menaces of Kanjar Ro and quiet time
The Justice League (aka the Justice League of America, aka the JLA, aka Justice League International, aka Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021)) is a collection of the DC Universe's greatest heroes (and also Green Arrow).
I talked about why I love the JLA in this piece here. Now I’m breaking down each and every issue of the comic book, from their very first appearance, with Atom-sized summaries. Enjoy!
In the third issue of Justice League of America, we meet the alien space tyrant, Kanjar Ro. By far the worst kind of alien. And the worst kind of space tyrant. Kanjar Ro uses a secret gamma metal gong to freeze everybody on Earth. The only way they will be unfrozen is if the JLA help Kanjar Ro break the four-way stalemate between his planet (Dhor) and the other three planets with which he's warring (Whindow, Whall and Ceilhing, presumably). Naturally, the JLA easily conquer the other planets. Perhaps less naturally, they use the power of cassette tape recorders to then defeat Kanjar Ro and free Earth.
Fun With Comics!
It’s Green Lantern. Look at Hal here, wildly operating outside his jurisdiction, sentencing the leaders of foreign planets to imprisonment of completely unfixed duration, on a planet he and Supes have cobbled together from leftover asteroids. Wild stuff. Although, in a way, aren’t we all trapped on a planet from which there is no escape? Makes you think, doesn’t it?
Top Panel
Look, Kanjar Ro may be a villain, but who among us can honestly say they haven’t yearned for a stupor beam that prevents one enemies from speaking. I say, let this slide.
Cryptic Crossword Clue
Is he a Krona, Jr? No, just some kind of Dhor-Lord (6,2)